Graston Technique Therapy 

Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization 

Using a specific set of instruments, Graston Technique (GT) therapy addresses soft tissue lesions and fascial restrictions. The stainless steel tools are individually designed to target particular areas to maximize the effects of manual therapy. Musculoskeletal injuries and conditions ranging from chronic to post-surgical all benefit from Graston Technique therapy. Even long term issues that have caused patients pain for years can be resolved through an individualized treatment plan.

The main goals of Graston Technique therapy are to provide relief and increase patient outcomes. This is done by reducing the patient's pain, increasing mobility, and facilitating proper healing of the soft tissue. By stretching, scraping, and splaying connective tissues, the provider is able to facilitate fibroblast proliferation and fascial restrictions. This allows for the reconstruction of the structure and fibers. The soft tissue issues  and restrictions are often due to injuries such as a pulled ligament, damaged tendon, or a strained muscle. By offering GT therapy and chiropractic adjustments, we provide a holistic alternative which allows patients to live pain-free and return to the activities they love.

What to Expect

The provider will use the GT instruments to scan and treat the affected area. Graston Technique therapy is performed by administering a specialized cross-friction massage which involves rubbing, scraping, or brushing the instrument against the grain of the scar tissue. These tools are rounded and glide easily on the skin. The provider will work to gently break down the "gritty" areas of tissue. It is common for patients to experience mild discomfort during this procedure, however, treatment is done in increments of 30 to 60 seconds per targeted area. Small red dots (petechiae) sometimes form on the skin where the scar tissue begins breaking down. This is only a surface level response that often goes away in less than a day. The deeper levels of tissue undergo a period of temporary inflammation which initiates an increase of blood flow. Though it may seem counter-productive, that is not the case. The micro-trauma combined with the increased blood flow starts the process of repairing and remodeling the scars and fibrosis in the tissue. This procedure provides a better healing environment for the injured soft tissue.  

After Treatment

Patients are advised they may be sore or exhibit petechiae. Discomfort can be eased by using ice application following treatment. Your provider may recommend exercises in conjunction with your GT treatment to assist in strengthening and stabilizing the soft tissue. When Graston Technique therapy is paired with restorative exercise and chiropractic adjustments, patients feel noticeable improvements after their first GT session. Most patients notice an increased range of motion, decreased pain, and improved function and pain-free movement after just 2 or 3 sessions. Though the process may take 6-10 treatments to completely correct the underlying issues, patients experience faster soft tissue rehabilitation compared to other treatment options. 

Chiropractor, Graston Technique Provider

At a young age I fell in love with science and biology. In high school I decided to become a doctor as I had a joy for helping people. During my undergraduate studies at South Carolina State University, I joined the Health Professions Society to explore the many aspects of the medical and health related fields. We took a trip to Sherman College of Chiropractic where I realized I wanted to become a chiropractor. After graduation I went on to attend Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida.

As a child I played soccer, and in adolescence I began having migraines. They were so debilitating that it led to missed games and activities with friends. Since I averaged 2-4 migraines per week, I was prescribed medication at eleven years old. At the time I knew of no other options nor was I given any. In chiropractic school I learned a great deal about my condition. While receiving regular adjustments along with changing my nutritional lifestyle, my migraines began to decrease in frequency and intensity. This led to only getting 2-3 migraines a year, as chiropractic changed my life.

I am certified as a Graston Technique Provider. The Graston procedure detects and treats areas of soft tissue lesion or adhesions in muscles, tendons and ligaments that can lead to pain and dysfunction. Graston Technique instruments have been clinically proven to achieve quicker and better outcomes in treating acute and chronic conditions. 

I strive to promote the many benefits of chiropractic care through education and treatment. I believe everyone should have a chance to enjoy a healthy active lifestyle by taking care of their body's core needs in a natural way. I am excited to be a part of this amazing team and to grow with this community.

 Graston Technique has the potential to treat acute and chronic conditions such as:

  • Lower back muscle strain or sprain
  • Achilles tendinosis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Cervical sprain/strain
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Rotator cuff tendinosis
  • Shin splints
  • Tennis/golfer's elbow

Call us to schedule your next Graston Technique therapy session in Columbia, SC!

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